It was in 2018, with the aim of enabling the realization of priority projects in the Outaouais region, that the Archbishop of Gatineau, Paul-André Durocher, and a group of volunteers founded the Novatio Foundation.
Rooted in the meaning of the word “novatio,” which in Latin means renewal, the Foundation aims to bring a breath of energy to enhance activities, innovative projects, and renewed services. By supporting projects for people of all ages, nationalities, and backgrounds, with special attention to the less fortunate or marginalized members of our communities, its objective is to assist those who need it most.
Key Areas of Support
Support for pastoral resources:
Pastoral ministers play a leading role in our churches, and our communities where we live out our faith. To promote the well-being of people at various stages of their lives, there is an urgent need to develop new tools that take advantage of technology advancements to support pastoral ministers in their mission.
Supporting community involvement in our parishes:
In every community you will find motivated individuals and teams of dedicated volunteers. To promote solidarity and justice, the necessary resources are urgently needed to ensure that those who are mobilizing to make a difference in our communities have the resources necessary.
Supporting the diocese’s 2023-2024 pastoral priorities:
Care for seniors: Social isolation can have a profound impact on a person in all areas of one’s life. Helping older adults facing social isolation and providing access to care and resources is crucial to ensuring people feel connected, engaged, and live more fulfilled lives. An intergenerational and intercultural approach will be used to develop programming that is suitable to varying needs.
Support for families and young people: With the end of sacramentalization and deconfessionalization in the school system, families and parishes now play a major role in the introduction of children to Christian life. Young families, especially immigrant families, or vulnerable families, need to feel welcomed, supported and thoughtfully integrated into our communities.
Reconciliation with aboriginal communities:
This is a vital initiative. By listening, we seek to foster relationships that are rooted in trust as we learn to walk side by side in a new path. To promote healing and reconciliation initiatives, the Novatio Foundation supports the Archdiocese of Gatineau, in its 5-year pledged commitment of $100,000 to $30-million fundraising campaign in support of the Indigenous Reconciliation Fund, which was created by the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops.
Funding Requests
If your parish, movement, or community organization located within the territory of the Archdiocese of Gatineau aims to implement an innovative project or engage with families, youth, seniors, Indigenous communities, or disadvantaged and marginalized individuals, Novatio encourages you to imagine, dream, and bring your initiative to life.
Annual grant applications are currently closed. Please stay tuned by subscribing to the newsletter to receive the latest information and be notified when applications reopen.
Here to Listen to You
Please feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions or need additional information.
Foundation Leadership
Phone : 819-771-8391, extension 310