pastoral services
Youth ministry
“You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house. (Matthew 5 ; 14-15)
Who are we?
We are a consultative body made up of the various youth groups and committees in the parishes of our diocese. We help meet the need for a diocesan organization aligned with parish youth ministry.
Our mission?
To strengthen exchanges between the young people of our diocese as we live out our faith at the heart of our church and our times.
- Our actions?
- In the short term for this year 2024, participate in: the Forum Jeunesse des diocèses du Québec, the diocesan youth recollection, the “Je Bible” camp for young people, the diocesan WYD, preparing young people to respond to the Pope’s calls for the Jubilee of 2025 and the WYD 2027.
- In the medium term, make known the other experiences of youth groups (present and future) in our parishes, and how we are living out the diocesan priorities.
- In the long term, define together a vision of Mission to Youth in our diocese.
For more information, contact Marie-Christine Emmanuela Adjobi (819 771-8391, ext. 305).
Spiritual training
”Continuous education of the faith is directed not only to each Christian it accompanies on his or her march towards holiness, but also to the Christian community that matures in its intimate life of loving God and each other, and in its missionary openness towards the world. ” (General directory of catechism, no. 70)
- I’d like to have have my child baptized…
- What must I do to get married in the Church…
- Why do I need to be confirmed to become a godparent…
In the daily lives of many Catholics, such hopes and questions have a special place. Christian communities are called to accompany their members as they journey towards and celebrate these sacraments.
Experience teaches us, however, that such rituals create deep and rich meaning when they are integrated in a broader life perspective. Rather than being single, detached events, they become part of a life journey. This is why, in Quebec, we prefer talking about a Christian life training, rather than preparing for the sacraments. The expression evokes a richer, more dynamic, more inclusive process.
Our key reference on this subject was published in 2004 by the Quebec Assembly of Catholic Bishops. It is entitled, Jesus Christ, Road to Humanisation. Guidelines for Training for a Christian Life. This document reminds us that many partners need to collaborate to help their fellow believers grow in their Christian life.
For more information, contact Nicole Lecompte Myre, Pastoral Agent at the Diocesan Centre (819 771-8391, ext. 311).
Vocational Pastoral Care
”You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit and that your fruit should abide, so that whatever you ask the Father in my name, he may give it to you.” (John 15:16)
Today’s young people, faced with a multitude of career choices and societal challenges, need support in aligning their life plans with their faith.
Vocation ministry fulfils a number of objectives: helping young people to understand their personal vocation, fostering a personal encounter with God, and encouraging involvement in the Christian community. To do this, it can use a variety of methods, such as individual counselling, spiritual retreats, workshops and living testimonies.
For more information, contact Abbe Henri Abena, 819 771-8391, ext. 307.
Missionary pastoral work
” Go, therefore, make disciples of all the nations: baptise them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teach them to observe all the commands I gave you. And know that I am with you always; yes, to the end of time. ” (Mt 28, 19-20)
These final words from Jesus in the Gospel according to Matthew reminds the Church of its fundamental mission to share the Good News with all the people of the world. In response to this mission, the Catholic Church has put together a particular service dedicated to the propagation of the faith throughout the world, a service now known as the Congregation for the Evangelization of the Peoples. Among the important organizations of this Congregation, there are the Pontifical mission societies, whose national director for French Canada is Father Yoland Ouellet, o.m.i.
Their main responsibility is to represent our archdiocese among the PMS of French Canada, and to co-ordinate the annual education and fundraising campaign culminating in the celebration of the Sunday for Missions in October in all the parishes of the diocese.
However, we must not forget that the vast regions of Canada’s north are in themselves a mission for which we are all responsible. In Quebec, the Mission Chez Nous organisation contributes to finance numerous projects in these isolated Christian communities. An annual collection in November is given to this organization in solidarity with our brothers and sisters of northern Canada.
The OPM representative in the Archdiocese of Gatineau is Mario Béland, Agent de pastorale sociale (819 771-8391, ext. 311).