Diocesan Staff

Office of the Archbishop and communication

Mgr Paul-André Durocher

819 771-8391, ext. 306

L’abbé Rodhain Kasuba
Vicar general

819 771-8391, ext. 303

Jeannette Ndaya Tshibangu
Human Resources Technician

819 771-8391, ext.310

Bozica Domitrovic
Communication technician

819 771-8391 ext. 308

Safe environments

Monique Washnuk
Safe Environment Coordinator

Diocesan pastoral care worker

819 771-8391, ext. 323

Chancery, Mariage and Archives

Abbé Henri Abena

819 771-8391, poste 307

Anne-Carine N’Guessant
Administrative Assistant

819 771-8391, ext. 306


Nicole Lecompte Myre
Pastoral Agent

819 771-8391, ext. 300

Marie-Christine Emmanuela Adjobi
Project Manager

819 771-8391, ext. 305

Mario Béland

Pastoral social agent

819 771-8391, ext. 300

Bursar’s Office

René Laprise, d.p.


819-771-8391, ext. 312

Sophie Lamirande
Accounting technician

819 771-8391, ext. 309

Antonio Teixeira

819-771-8931, ext. 317